Pupil premium : professional development resource package

Maximising the impact of pupil premium: CPD for school leaders and teachers

Closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils is high on everyone's agenda. However, with the additional funding schools receive via pupil premium and the increased accountability in the revised Ofsted framework and subsidiary guidance for inspectors - training for leaders and teachers can not be ignored.

Leaders : A bespoke package of support can be provided for the senior leader responsible for pupil premium + support for key middle leaders or AHTs who may have responsibility for overlapping elements, e.g. closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils in English; closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils in EYFS; maximising the impact of interventions; SEND and disadvantaged pupils. The leadership layer examines whole school issues, the school self-evaluation for pupil premium, action planning and co-ordinating a high-impact approach. Training can help upskill the leader and increase their knowledge base on the latest research related to closing the gap.

Teachers : In addition, you can ensure all your staff contribute to closing the gap in the classroom every day. CPD can be provided via phase teams or for the whole staff. This is about increasing the knowledge base of teachers and providing them with practical actions. It can also help colleagues to consider how the curriculum can be implemented in a way that is most likely to lead to success for disadvantaged pupils.

What is it that you need? Get in touch to find out how I can help.



Whilst modules can be suggested and the school can start with a general overview - ideally, a set of clear objectives for the work need to be established so at the end of the training, the school can consider the impact.



Cost & purchase

Costs are usually £675-£750+ VAT for a day of support; £550+ VAT for a half-day; £400+VAT for twilights. Schools that I currently work with can also access 1:1 90 minute sessions for £175+VAT. Discounts are provided for multiple sessions. Get in touch for a quote.


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